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Top 6 Reasons of Car Break Down in Dubai

Reasons of Car Break Down in Dubai

Driving through the bustling streets of Dubai can be an exhilarating experience. The towering skyscrapers, the fast-paced lifestyle, and the impressive road network all contribute to the charm of this vibrant city. However, even in this modern metropolis, cars are not immune to break downs.

In fact, car break downs are a common occurrence in Dubai, and they can happen at the most inconvenient times. So, what are the top reasons behind these unfortunate incidents? Let’s dive in and explore.

Top 6 Reasons of Car Break Down in UAE

1. Engines Problems

Engine Problem - Car Break Down in Dubai UAE

1.1 Overheating:

Dubai’s scorching climate can take a toll on vehicles, especially during the hot summer months. As temperatures soar, engines are pushed to their limits, and overheating becomes a major concern. When an engine overheats, it can lead to significant damage and cause the vehicle to break down.

Lack of proper cooling system maintenance, low coolant levels, or a malfunctioning radiator can all contribute to this problem. To avoid overheating, it’s crucial to regularly check coolant levels, ensure proper ventilation under the hood, and promptly address any warning signs, such as rising temperature gauges or steam escaping from the engine.

1.2 Low oil levels:

Oil is essential for lubricating the engine and preventing it from overheating. If the oil levels are low, the engine can overheat and seize up.

1.3 Engine misfires:

Engine misfires can be caused by a number of factors, including bad spark plugs, a faulty ignition coil, or a dirty air filter.

1.4 Engine knocking:

Engine knocking is a sign of serious engine damage. It can be caused by a number of factors, including low oil levels, a faulty connecting rod bearing, or a worn piston ring.

1.5 Engine Belt Failures:

Engine belts, such as the serpentine belt, are responsible for powering critical components, including the alternator, air conditioning compressor, and power steering pump. Over time, these belts can wear out, become loose, or break, resulting in engine failures.

Sudden loss of power steering or the air conditioning system failing in the scorching Dubai heat can be quite inconvenient. Regular inspection and replacement of worn-out or damaged belts can help avoid such break downs and keep the engine running smoothly.

2. Electrical Issues

Electrical Problem - Car Break Down in Dubai UAE

2.1 Dead Battery:

A dead battery is one of the most common reasons for car break downs in Dubai. Extreme heat can accelerate the aging process of a battery, leading to its premature failure. Additionally, leaving headlights, air conditioning, or other electrical components running while the engine is off can drain the battery.

Regular battery checks and maintenance, including cleaning terminals and ensuring proper charging, can help prevent unexpected break downs.

2.2 Faulty alternator:

The alternator is responsible for charging the battery. If the alternator fails, the battery will not be able to charge and the car will eventually die.

2.3 Loose or corroded electrical connections:

Loose or corroded electrical connections can cause a number of problems, including intermittent electrical problems, poor fuel economy, and engine stalling.

3. Flat Tires

Flat Tire - Car Break Down in Dubai

Dubai’s well-maintained roads may seem like a haven for smooth driving, but they are not impervious to sharp objects or debris. Punctured or flat tires are a frequent cause of break downs, leaving drivers stranded on the side of the road. Uneven tire pressure, worn-out treads, or hitting potholes can increase the likelihood of experiencing a flat tire.

To minimize the risk, it’s essential to regularly inspect tires, maintain proper inflation levels, and replace them when they are worn beyond the recommended threshold. Carrying a spare tire and the necessary tools for changing a flat can also save the day.

4. Mechanical Problems

Mechanical problems can also cause car break downs. Mechanical problems can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Transmission problems- Car Break Down in Dubai

4.1 Brake problems:

Brake problems can be caused by a number of things, including low brake fluid, worn brake pads, and faulty brake rotors.

4.2 Transmission problems:

Transmission problems can be caused by a number of things, including low transmission fluid, worn transmission gears, and faulty transmission bands.

4.3 Suspension problems:

Suspension problems can be caused by a number of things, including worn shock absorbers, damaged springs, and loose or corroded suspension components.

5. Fuel-related Issues

Fuel problems- Car Break Down in Dubai

Running out of fuel is a rather avoidable reason for a car break down, yet it happens more often than you might think. With the fast-paced lifestyle in Dubai, it’s easy to forget to refuel amidst a busy schedule. Additionally, relying heavily on the fuel gauge can be misleading, as it may not always accurately reflect the amount of fuel left in the tank.

To steer clear of this inconvenience, it’s wise to develop a habit of refueling when the fuel level drops to around a quarter tank. This practice ensures that you won’t be left stranded on the side of the road due to an empty tank.

6. Ignition System Problems

Ignition problem - Car Break Down in Dubai

The ignition system is the heart of a vehicle, as it kick-starts the engine. However, ignition system issues can bring your journey to a halt. Faulty ignition switches, worn-out spark plugs, or ignition coil failures can prevent the engine from starting or cause it to stall unexpectedly.

Proper maintenance, including timely replacement of spark plugs and regular inspections of the ignition system, can help ensure a reliable starting mechanism and prevent break downs.

Quick Read: Things To Do If Car Break Down in UAE


In conclusion, while Dubai offers an exciting driving experience, car break downs can occur due to various reasons. Overheating engines, battery failure, flat tires, fuel-related issues, electrical system malfunctions, engine belt failures, and ignition system problems are some of the top culprits.

To minimize the chances of experiencing a break down, regular vehicle maintenance, timely inspections, and addressing warning signs promptly is crucial. Remember, by taking proactive measures, you can enjoy the streets of Dubai with peace of mind, knowing that your car is less likely to let you down.


What should I do if my car breaks down in Dubai?

If your car breaks down in Dubai, the first step is to ensure your safety and that of other road users. Move your vehicle to a safe location, if possible, and turn on hazard lights. Call the Dubai Road and Transport Authority’s (RTA) hotline at 800-9090 for roadside assistance or contact your car insurance provider if you have coverage for breakdown assistance.

Is roadside assistance available 24/7 in Dubai?

Yes, roadside assistance services in Dubai, including the RTA hotline (800-9090), operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are designed to provide prompt assistance and support for car breakdowns at any time, ensuring that help is just a phone call away.

Will my car insurance cover the cost of a breakdown in Dubai?

It depends on your car insurance policy. Comprehensive car insurance policies in Dubai often include coverage for breakdown assistance. Contact your insurance provider to check if your policy includes this feature and what services are covered. They can guide you on the process and help arrange the necessary assistance.

How long does it typically take for roadside assistance to arrive in Dubai?

The response time for roadside assistance in Dubai can vary depending on factors such as location, traffic conditions, and the volume of calls. However, the aim is to provide prompt assistance. In many cases, assistance arrives within 30 minutes to an hour, but it can vary based on the specific circumstances.

What documents should I have when requesting roadside assistance in Dubai?

When requesting roadside assistance in Dubai, it is helpful to have your vehicle registration documents, driver’s license, and car insurance details readily available. This information may be required for identification purposes and to facilitate the process of assistance.

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